Monday, August 10, 2009

Whatever happened to regular soap?

The other day I'm washing my hands at work when I reach for the soap but find that its not really soap. Well okay it looked like soap (I mean it was yellow and creamy looking) but there was something not right about it. The "flavor" of the soap was "Milk Protein and Honey".

What the heck? First off, I'm pretty sure don't want "milk protein" on my hands. Maybe if by hands they meant stomache then yes. Putting milk on your hands is just weird. And seriously, honey? Do they really want me to drink this stuff? (Mind you I was this close to poppin' off the pump and takin a swig of it but I thought people at work would look at me weird)

But seriously, enough is enough. Why the heck would I want my hands smellin like milk with a dash of honey. I've smelled milk before and I'm pretty sure I don't want that smell all over my hands. At first it was all good with scents such as watermellon and lavendar. I mean cmon, who doesn't love the scent of lavendar on one's hands? Plus, the ladies digg that kind of stuff. And I mean don't get me wrong, I love drinkin' milk and I do enjoy a cup of tea with honey but soap, now thats just weird.

1 comment:

  1. That's why I always ask my mom to search for normal, non-antibacterial soap. Antibacterial stuff will (and correct me if I'm wrong here), if used long enough, get the bacteria in question to eventually become immune to the antibiotic, thus rendering the soap ineffective.
    Of course, Sandeep disagrees, and given that this is b*****y here, I'm probably wrong.
